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Water Stewardship
Water Stewardship

Celebrating World Water Day 2024: Water for Peace

To raise awareness of the value of fresh water, 22 March is an annual United Nations observance day. This day aims to raise awareness about the 2.2 billion people who don’t have access to clean water and to promote actions aimed at resolving the worldwide water crisis.

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

March 22, 2024

Water Stewardship

Navigating To A Green Earth

Our planet and humanity currently face several challenges, including climate change, water scarcity, inequality, and hunger. A global approach is the most effective way to resolve most of these issues. We must collectively promote sustainable development, focusing on environmental balance, social improvement, and economic growth.

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

October 24, 2022

Water Stewardship

Facts You Should Know About The Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis

Jackson city’s main water treatment plant failed in mid-to-late August 2022. This failure cut off the city’s residents access to safe and clean water. In introspection, this crisis proves how the city’s water system is fragile and increasingly susceptible to climate change effects in the coming years.

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

October 14, 2022

Water Stewardship

New Water Map of Mars

The new map of Mars released by the European Space Agency (ESA) shows locations with abundant hydrated minerals on the red planet. Consequently, this changes how we think about the planet’s watery past. In addition, the map indicates the best places to land for further exploration in the future.

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

September 05, 2022

Water Stewardship

What Is Net Zero?

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

August 19, 2022

Water Stewardship

Your Guide To Carbon Neutrality – All You Need To Know

With the increasing demand for sustainable climate action came some new buzzwords. Carbon Neutrality is one of the terms you will find around where climate action is the topic of discussion.

Understandably, not everyone understands what these terms really mean. We use them as frequently as it gets, but do we know if we are using them correctly? Read on to learn more about these terms and how they contribute to the fight against climate change and the quest to save the planet.

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

August 12, 2022

Water Stewardship

History Of Human Drinking Water

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

February 24, 2022

Water Stewardship

America Recycles Day: How Best To Recycle Your Water Filter

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

November 15, 2021

Water Stewardship

Production and Treatment of Waste Water in Reverse Osmosis Systems

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

September 27, 2021

Water Stewardship

Safe Drinking Water In 2021: Progress Made But So Much Further To Go

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

June 21, 2021

Water Stewardship

Is the "Wastewater" Produced by the RO System Really Wasteful?

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

September 09, 2020

Water Stewardship

Global Warming Forces the Early Collapse of Last Full Ice Shelf

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

August 25, 2020

Water Stewardship

Human Causes Nearly All the Water Pollutions. How Come?

Humans are both the persecutor and the victim of water pollution. How can we stop this vicious circle? Check out to see how you can go green with Waterdrop! Table of Contents

by Dr. Jonathan Doyle

July 05, 2020
